...Sure! Ha! Here we go again. I knew about the wedding well before hand. So the planning started as to what I wanted to make...in my head. The night before...yep...I start designing it in my Make the Cut software. The DAY of the wedding, 2 hours before the wedding, I get ready to cut it out using my awesome KNK Maxx. Well, so I started to, but then I decided to change the design a little. Now we are down to 45 minutes before the wedding. My hubby has to get there early because he's an usher, and comes in the room and asks if he should go to the store and pick up a card. Ha! FUNNY GUY!!! No. Now my plan is, cut it all out, get changed quick, go to the ceremony, come home right after, put it together, stuff some cash in it and put it in an envelope, and go. Whew. So run home I did and put it together before the reception. Then I came downstairs to show my dearest hubby my new creation and waved it in front of him and exclaimed..."there...I saved you $2.50"!!! hehehe. He didn't laugh. Blahahaa!